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Campus for talents - open college



User XP

Talent is the key to every organization, without the right access to talent organizations cannot grow. Therefore setting up the right networks for talent are important. Especially with the current speed of development of creativity, technology and knowledge the needs for specific talent is also changing at a high pace.

Therefore setting up the right networks for talent are important. Especially with the current speed of development of creativity, technology and knowledge the needs for specific talent is also changing at a high pace. Therefore talents need much more possibilities to adapt and keep their mobility on the labor market.

Talent is everywhere, needs to be found and helped to grow to the next level. Therefore we are creating a digital platform that captures talent, talent can create their online profile, this is their NFT Talent Profile. After taking some tests, we know more about the needs and possibilities for growth for this talent. Thereby this talent can grow, 24/7 and anywhere in the world. Since all content is digitally available to learn.

To keep the talent engaged and grounded in the local economy breeding place needs to be created. Where talent can discover the possibilities and find like minded people. To gather, share and spread knowledge and build an expert network internationally.

Gamification - AR - VR - Metavers

Profile security - Certifications

Web 3.0 blockchain platform

The Virtual Classroom solves the problem of synchronous communication. The teacher is able to walk around and make use of augmented objects. The students are projected in a theater setting and are able to remotely interact with each other.

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